You Are Such A Card!

You may well have heard about the new “value” valentine’s cards from leading supermarkets, which are a “bargain” at only 8p a pop. So if you are anything like me you will be vomiting into your bacon super noodles that such a sacred day has been scarred and rendered useless by cheap sentiments such as this.
Of course we all know that the real meaning behind Valentine’s Day is to make money for the big card companies, so by buying a cheapo card from the supermarket is going against everything this day stands for.
I know what the reasoning is behind the boffins who created this cheap card, they think that the card companies already make enough money from even bigger events such as Grandparent’s Day or the one we all look forward to every year, Secretaries Day.
However, this is simply not true. The card companies need Valentines Day, otherwise how do they make money in the long harsh months between Christmas and Easter? Simply rely on people having birthdays? Live in the real world people – if you don’t support these money grabbing businesses which are everything that this country stands for this February 14th, then you will have one very unhappy secretary this April 26th.
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