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Monday, April 25, 2005

Election Perfection - Update

Just thought I'd plug the poll again - since I can't think of proper entry. And with the results tighter than a pre-christmas Scrooge - the votes are needed more than ever. Just like in the real election you can vote more than once - just think of any extra votes you cast as postal votes you've stolen from your local postman/robbed from your neighbours house

Remember - if you do vote I'll increase blogging by 37% and decrease the spiffy new banner selling you free sim cards (just what we all need - I hate having to fork out nigh on 100 pence for a new one) by over 22%

On the Election theme - props to Labour's Alan Milburn for this quote

"He's got himself on this particular bandwagon. What people will take away from it is not only that it's a one-man band but a one-issue campaign,"

A shiny new penny for anyone who finds any more bandwagon election quotes - just post them in the comments box


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