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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Half Bloody Hell

Can't wait until Saturday to find out the plot of the next Harry Potter book? Well Bandwagon Best is breaking the embargo on the book and slipping you a preview of this most original of Harry Potter plots. Enjoy Muggles :-

  • It Starts off with Harry back at home with his magic-hating Uncle & Aunt. They do some nasty things to Harry and unexpectedly get their comeuppance at the end of the book.

  • Whilst in the Muggle World, Harry hears about a new, whilst at the same time strangely familar, threat.

  • Harry goes back to Hogwarts and meets up with Hermione and Ron on the train. Malfoy says some nasty things to Harry and unexpectedly gets his comeuppance at the end of the book

  • The mysterious threat gets even more mysterious.

  • Hagrid hilariously slips up and tells Harry more about the threat by accident

  • Snape is nasty to Harry, then unexpectedly reveals his human side at the end of the book

  • Harry & Co snoop around a bit. They almost get caught, then they aren't caught at all.

  • A tense Quiddich match which it looks like Harry's team will lose, but then they actually win, thanks of course to Harry

  • Dumbledore gives Harry a dire warning about the mysterious threat and also we find out some rather interesting information about Harry's parents. Apparently they often acted like Harry does now, shocking considering they are blood relations

  • Whilst trying to solve the threat - the gang realise they have exams to do as well. Literally testing times.

  • The mysterious threat is revealed - it's Voldemort.

  • Someone unimportant dies

  • Harry defeats Voldemort, but Voldemort manages to escape at the last moment to start planning an even more mysterious and threatening threat which will no doubt start coming to light around September time.

  • In the process of defeating Voldemort - Harry wins the House Cup for Gryffindor, whilst Malfoy says something out of line, knocking points of his own house. The Fool.

  • They all leave for home, content in the fact they have defeated another threat, but well aware that it is entirely possible another one may well just 2 months away.


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