Resigned To The Fact...

A conversation between a few members of the Labour Party recently:
Member 1: Remember when Tony Blair said he was going to step down soon? Did he ever set a date for that?
Member 2: You know what, I'm not sure. Surely he would have done something like that.
M1: I've just checked my diary and he hasn't.
M2: The cheek of it, he said he would set a date and he hasn't. What if we were busy that day?
M1: Then he'd be screwed.
Member 3: Does it really matter, it's not like it really effects us what specific time Blair goes, I mean we know he'll be gone soon enough anyway. It's just semantics really
M2: Maybe to you it doesn't matter, but I missed the last one because it was my Gran's 75th and I don't want to look a fool again.
M1: I'm with you, someone should really sit down and have a talk with him and make him set a date. I've booked a holiday next Easter with Quantas Air and you know hard it is to cancel with them.
M2: Good idea, someone needs to let him know that we wont stand for this embarrassing lack of a finite date
M1: I know, I'll resign from my post as chief tea-maker
M2: I'm with you, I'll step down from Junior Vice Litter-picker-upper
M3: Are you sure this isn't a gross over-reaction - quitting your job over a mild inconvenience could ruin your careers surely.
M1: I disagree, if anything it's a vast under-reaction. Just this minute I was considering committing suicide on top of London Bridge dressed as Boo-boo from Yogi Bear to symbolise the metaphorical fecal matter of a mess Blair has made of all this date setting business, the one and only blemish on his entire reign.
M2: Too right old chap, we have given him enough chances to set it and he still won't answer us.
M3: That's because you haven't even asked him yet...
M1: What do you know. Come on
Later that day in 10 Downing Street Tony Blair hangs himself as the pressure of setting a date is too much. Dozens more MPs resign in protest of the Blair family not informing them of when the funeral will be.
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