Brand New Starts (minus Broken Hearts)

Most of you will no doubt remember me from Bandwagon Best V1 where I used to go on a bit about whatever trendy bandwagons took my fancy on whatever day I decided to do a post. You’ll be pleased to know that now I’m here on Blogger I’ll be doing the exact same thing but on a trendier webspace (look at my new logo, I made it all myself).
For the rest of you who may have just joined us, my name is Chris Best and I love to talk about things like binge drinking, happy slapping and chain smoking and various other trends, or if you will “Bandwagons” hence the name of the blog (because of my last name you see…Clever eh?!). Don’t worry about all the Bandwagons you may have missed, as I have handily imported all my old rubbish over here. Particular favourites of mine which illustrate my love for fads include my posts on Su Do Ku, smoking and blogging itself, so check those bad boys out.
bandwagon best
b - Big Brother
a - playstation
n - the sun
d - nintendo
w - Doctor Who
g - google
b - back to the future
e - Neighbours (but i had help with that one)
s - friends
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