Jude's Law

Shocking news as a man who had previously cheated on a girlfriend, has again cheated on a girlfriend it was revealed today. If that wasn't interesting enough for you (and if you don't think this is interesting you must be braindead or something), you'll be pleased to know that this time it was a different girlfriend, who the man had apparently met when cheating on a previous girlfriend. Who would have thought that? What a silly cow she'll look now, it's probably all her fault anyway - stuck up bint.
Personally, I'm glad to see some proper news on the front pages of the newspapers for once - all you ever hear about is car bombs exploding in Bagdad which is totally yawnsville USA if you ask me. And all this London business is dragging on somewhat isn't it? Thank goodness for the Nation's Celebs for taking the focus of this boring one sided agenda they seem to have, and giving the people some real stories to read in their newspapers in the morning.
Please Note - the above is an attempt at satire. If you think the opinions expressed are my own, then you probably think "The Sun" is the biggest selling English language paper in the world because it is the peak of journalistic excellence. In which case never read this web page again, and go off and read today's TV Biz column. I hear there's a great picture of Konnie from Blue Peter stumbling out of a night club at the weekend DRUNK!!!! Whatever next?
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