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Friday, August 03, 2007

Unofficial Bandwagon Alert

Before I get started, I'd like to make perfectly clear that there will be no (intentional) humour in Today's post - so I apologise for anyone who came here looking for a proper update and instead found this almost self congratulatory editorial explanation. You may leave now and I might post something in the next week that will be of interest to you - or maybe on the last day of the month as usual.

For those of you who have decided to keep on reading, you may well have been observant enough to notice that I've had a spring clean of the blog. The main reason for this was that I felt the overall look of the old blog had run its course, the writing was small and unclear and that rarely helps any humour to flow. The old design also came into question when I was checking the blog in Internet Explorer and for some reason it looked slightly different, and not in a pleasing way either. I myself use firefox and I foolishly presumed that i)so did everyone else who would ever want to visit this site and ii) that it wouldn't look the slightest bit different in IE anyway. I remember checking the site in IE briefly when it launched on blogger last August but not checked frequently since. Anyway with this new look I have checked the look in both browsers and it looks fine.

Another rectification is the search function, located towards the end of the sidebar, now properly works - or at least it did when I tested it earlier. So now you can search away to your hearts content to find some of my hearty content.

Hopefully with a clearer and more concise blog this will mean it's a lot easier to use for everyone. Let me know of any thoughts you have on this new look, or any bugs or anything in the comments box.


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